Testimonials from Satisfied Clients:

Jeff: [audio:Empower-Yourself-Pack-Testimonial.mp3]

Scott: [audio:Scott-UCL-Testimonial.mp3]

The*Empower Yourself Pack* is a way for any beginner or intermediate to learn to discharge debts, deed all their earnings/assets into Trust, Claim Abandoned Homes, be sovereign by setting off criminal charges, learning contract law, cleaning up Credit Reports, and much more. It is a $5,000 Value Item that is for sale for only $1000 or $1500 for 3 hours of telephone support and 3 months worth of e-mail support:   https://understandcontractlawandyouwin.com/services-offered/ to Read the Details and to Purchase…


If You Choose Option 1 (Budget Option): 
You’ll receive all the documents included below to make yourself Sovereign in all Areas….*DOCUMENTS Only Version* of this Package for only  only $1000 plus receive 2 weeks worth of e-mail support + 30 minutes of free coaching.


If You Choose Option 2 (Best Option):
For a Total Price of a $1500 Donation, you’ll receive everything in Option 1, plus in addition:

—A total of 4 hours of telephone support and 4 Months worth of e-mail support (200% More!)

A One-year Membership (Entitles you all of our Royalty-Free Documents we create for the next 12 Month’s from the date you sign up) and Free Live Seminar Entry for One Year.

—A FREE invitation to join our Debt Elimination Affiliate Program

—Plus a library of 15 physical DVDs and a support package sent in the mail.

—Invitations & Consideration for Partnership on Future Sovereign, Debt, and Trust Projects




https://understandcontractlawandyouwin.com/services-offered/ to Read the Details and to Purchase…

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