Full of brilliant common sense! Mrs. Martin takes us behind the curtain to see in rich detail what alternative education really looks like when it bestows upon its subjects the freedom to choose. Every parent who feels compelled to give their kids into the care of total strangers should read this book.
–John Taylor Gatto, Author: Dumbing Us Down And Weapons of Mass Instruction
Radical Unschooling is a progressive parenting philosophy, which includes children learning at home. It is different from homeschooling in that children are not forced to follow curriculum lessons and tests. Radical Unschooling philosophy focuses on trust of a child’s innate ability to learn without coercion and invites children to explore their passions.
The parent’s role is to facilitate their interests and curiosity. Radical Unschooling – the book – focuses also on the evolutionary aspect of parenting and human consciousness. We are parenting and educating our children today to succeed in a joyful, productive life by following their passions, not someone else’s agenda.
The main presentations are:
– School is only one of many choices for our children in our technologically advanced world.
– Forced learning isn’t effective and causes more damage than formerly thought.
– Respecting a child’s choice and autonomy is an evolution of understanding and birth right of every human.
– Learning and life are not separate. Learning is pleasurable if it is not forced on us.
– Separating life into subjects isn’t necessary or natural.
– Humans learn from all that they do and experience in life, not just what our culture deems ”educational.”
– The main focus of parenting today is obedience and meeting the needs of the parent.
This has to change if we want our children to live in a peaceful world. Moreover, Radical Unschooling is just radical enough to herald a wake up call to our culture because of the truth the philosophy speaks.
Dayna Martin has been inspiring others for over a decade by sharing her experience through natural birth, attachment parenting and Unschooling. She is an activist, educator and author of, Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and her newest book, Sexy Birth. Dayna has proudly advocated for Radical Unschooling through the media for the last eight years. This has allowed thousands of other parents to learn about Unschooling and to proudly live their lives without fear. The movement of Unschooling is growing tremendously thanks to her bravery and unrelenting drive to share Unschooling with the world. Her choice to live out loud is one with powerful inspiration that is changing the world and offering more respect, peace and freedom to families worldwide.
Dayna been featured on Dr. Phil, CNN, Nightline, Australia’s most popular morning news program, Morning Sunrise, The Jeff Probst Show, ABC’s hit show, Wife Swap, Fox News, 60 Minutes Australia and the Bethenny Show. She was used as an informational resource for Unschooling stories on the Discovery Channel, The Today Show and Our America on the OWN Network and was even filmed for 12 hours for the Oprah Winfrey Show. She travels the world as the UnNanny, and is a featured speaker at the major parenting and education conferences worldwide. Dayna recorded and uploaded the first video ever, about Unschooling for YouTube!
Radical Unschooling is an evolution of our understanding about learning and the rights and respect of children. We are on the cusp of change and many people are looking for alternatives to the traditional schooling model. With Unschooling, we are reprioritizing. We are taking back our freedom and putting happiness, connection and family first!
– Dayna Martin
***NEW! Dayna and her family have a reality Vlog series on YouTube. Check out these episodes and learn about Radical Unschooling while learning more about her family and their everyday life: Subscribe to The Sparkling Martin’s Channel here.