Creditors in Commerce teachings are clear about this: When it comes to getting your remedy in any situation where a claim is being made against you, your power lies in turning the claim upon the claimant. In arguing, defending, and/or ignoring no remedy is to be found.
Brandon Adams from Creditors in Commerce taught me this valuable lesson through his recordings and workshops. The way we bring resolution and remedy to the matter is by being in harmony with the claimant, by accepting their position but with our own conditions attached. And we do this by asking a question, by conditionally accepting. This is also known as a counteroffer. And this is very important, because a counteroffer has the legal effect of rejecting the offer.
A contract is in motion, offer and counteroffer is taking place until an agreement is made. An agreement made, that is either expressed or implied such as through silence/ non-response, also called tacit acquiescence. In order that we do not acquiesce and depose our selves of our sovereign status, we conditionally accept the claim, upon proof of claim.
If we are offered something like jail for instance, and if we can stop ourselves from going into freak out mode or argue mode, we might recognize that this is just an offer. We are being offered jail, someone is offering us an opportunity to be “corrected” by the correctional facility, and if we do not say otherwise then we’ve tacitly agreed to the same. Some of us do not say otherwise even when we have been invited to. For example, allocution is where the judge asks you if you have anything to say before he passes sentence on you. In that moment you are being extended the opportunity to tell the court why it should not proceed against you. If you say nothing then its presumed you are in agreement with the allegations or claims. In staying silent we lose, we are in dishonor.
In arguing or defending we lose. Think about it, if you argue about someone’s unsubstantiated claims against you are you not bringing those claims to life and handling them as if they are real? What are you defending against exactly? In reality we are defending against someone else’s version or story about us. This takes up a lot of our energy, puts us into dishonor, and doesn’t usually produce the results we are looking for.
In the counter offer or conditional acceptance our energies can be directed differently to accept their position, accept their claim, upon proof of claim in the form of a sworn statement made under penalty of perjury. In essence you are saying, ‘I honor your position all I’m asking for is proof, bring some verified evidence, prove your claim.’ This puts the burden of proof upon the one making the claims. If this party does not bring any substance to what they are saying, any proof to back up their claim then all we are dealing with is allegations…meaningless statements, unsubstantiated declarations that do not qualify as verified statements.
So we need not argue another’s claim. We can make it easier for our selves by flipping it around and letting them bring their substance behind their claim. When we ask for a verified statement we are asking the claimant to substantiate their claim by oath or affidavit, we are asking them to swear to the truth of their statements. We are asking for the proof of claim. In the public, there has never been a claim against anyone that had anything of substance behind it.
For example, the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK or any other state is a corporation.
This corporation cannot make sworn statements for it is a fictional entity, it is not a living thinking being, it is a fiction and has no substance to it. So where then is the real party in interest, the one making claim against you? No where to be found, there is no one. Without a sworn statement the unverified declarations of a claimant do not stand as evidence anywhere. Instead of automatically answering questions and accepting allegations without proof, we can stand in our power and bring harmony to the situation. As a creditor your not concerned with being right and proving another wrong, on the contrary, you are acting as an ambassador of peace, an agent of resolution who looks to bring settlement and who works to resolve the issue.
See: Creditors in Commerce Living Temple Session 18
The Way of the Creditor:
Creditors in Commerce Contract = Law
Workshops with Gordon Hall:
Creditors in Commerce on Public Trusts vs. Private Trusts – Youtube Overview
Other workshops of Importance – Creditors in Commerce Miscellaneous Audios:
Other workshops of Importance – Creditors in Commerce Atlanta 2010 Workshop:
Other workshops of Importance – Creditors in Commerce Boston 2010 Workshop:
Creditors in Commerce – All Audio Recordings of Workshops:
Other workshops of Importance – Creditors in Commerce All FREE Videos:
Creditors in Commerce Seminar Videos Archive at: – or you can contact us to see if we have extra copies of the DVD Workshop Series to offer you. 631-866-6708 or check out our Services Offered page.
Other Topics: Creditors in Commerce Google Group, Creditors in Commerce Private Site, Jack Smith speak on gordon and benton, Mastery in Commerce, Remedies in Commerce