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Common law is the practice of law through precedents of fairness instead of corporate codes and statutes. The United States is a private corporation that can make all the codes for it’s own employees and subjects (“citizens”).
One secret you were never taught in grade school during social studies class: The United States is defined in the U.S. Code as “FEDERAL CORPORATION”. Title 28 U.S.C. Sec. 3002(15).
The United States is corporation that was originally granted a 10 x 10 square mile territory konwn as the “Washington, D.C./District of Columbia” – a sovereign “city-state”, independent and exempt from any treaties or laws that the 50 Union states are bound by. This is comparable to how the City of London is actually not even part of England, and how the Vatican is it’s own sovereign city-state).
So when the United States (a corporation, not to be confused with America – which is a geographic location) passes a “code” (not the same as a law – look up the difference!), it is binding ONLY UNITED STATES Employees and Property! It’s just like when McDonalds, IBM, or Starbucks passes a code or “law”… it’s not a LAW for everyone in the World; only for the corporate employees. This is a simplistic example of statutory law.
Practical Uses:
So, what does this mean for us?
If you don’t go into the District of Columbia, or the military zones (opt-out of using zip codes), and you don’t contract with the United States corporation, you are technically not bound by their private codes. Their codes apply merely to their employees and property in their territory (D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Island, Phillipines, and at all ZIP Code Zones).
Many “sovereign” and Patriot-types have invoked the common law lien process, but this is something many have gotten in trouble for because they were attacking U.S. officials, judges, and police. I couldn’t think of a worse idea to get yourself thrown in jail for life – so don’t do it! They Corporation exists and it’s powerful – and it’s got (most of) the guns and all the jails… so don’t fight the machine! Respect it, and it will respect you. Don’t contract with it by taking Social Security or other benefits if you want to be independent and sovereign.
Many people are reversing their status as a piece of property owned by the Corporate “government” of Canada, U.S., U.K., Australia, by revoking their Granting of themselves to the Trust created with the Birth Certificate…which is the first document that gave them jurisdiction over ruling every aspect of your life – from paying taxes to what to put into your body and everything else.
The second document that ties you in is the Social Security or Social Insurance card/number, which identifies you as a Corporate Employee. Now do you see how it’s all Contract Law? You were free and sovereign, and then you Contracts to become a worker for the Corporation (U.S., Canada, etc) and now you lost your sovereignty and all you can do is beg and petition, which is in effect not exercising rights but asking for permission (like a child does to his parents).
Stopping Forelosures? Anyone?? This is one of many examples of common law uses:
Let’s say your home is being foreclosed on by the servicer of your mortgage. And after doing some research, you discover your mortgage has been securitized (this usually takes about 5 minutes to find). What you can do is bring a common law claim into your local federal court. More than likely you can save your home in this way, as there has already been a precedent set in favor of the homeowners in regards to these cases.
The courts, through common law, have established that servicers have no standing to foreclose if they are not the holder of the note. This is just one example of how we can use common law to obtain our remedy. Of course, there is plenty more to learn regarding common law. Join our email list and/or sign up for the private side of this website, if you would like to stay informed of all our future research and discoveries and be invited to free Webinars or get some answers or guidance! We don’t give legal advice!
Common Law System vs. Natural Law?
Common law is often used interchangeably with Natural law; however, they’re not one and the same. Natural law philosophers believe that all rights are essential or permanent by divine virtue of human existence. Whereas with common law, there is no list of common laws. It is simply the recognizable rights by individuals in a society that the governments and judges are willing to acknowledge and enforce. Common law in its most basic form can be broken down to two widely used phrases, treat others as you would like to be treated; and no harm, no foul (crime).
The idea is that we are all free to do as we please so long as it does not cause harm to other people on their property. And if everyone lives by this golden rule, then there is no need for any codes or statues to be imposed on us by any “government” (by the way, most governments are actually nothing more than gigantic private corporations).
More research on What is Common Law at Wikipedia. Guru Winston Shrout’s lesson on What is Common Law.
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