Before deciding to buy the EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK, please keep in mind that:
a. We will give you loads of free information, see the FREE DOCUMENTS, AUDIO LESSONS, WEBINAR REPLAY, and other sections.
b. If you have a specific goal – discharge a debt, deal with a court case, become wealthy through leveraging credit or fixing/enhancing your credit score… you might want to BECOME A CLIENT instead of buy the EYP. Hands on help is the best way we can help our clients.
Keep in mind that for 95% of all Callers, we recommend that you first to start with the
“SPC DONE WITH U” service before getting the EYP. Or you can buy both together as a package, for a discount (talk to us by phone).
So far, 788 files including study files, tutorials/cliffnotes/guides, and (so far) 54 hours of video or audio lessons/content/guides of screen recording, Q&A, or lessons teachings forms, law, procedures, theory played out in the real world, etc.
The EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK is a library of materials: instead of physical books and bookshelves, it is files and audios/videos in neatly organized folders, that you download onto your hard drive. Plus, a 99 year membership to addendums/amendments/additions/updates, as well as exclusive live conference calls and webinars for members only. One may never get to study all the material in the course (it’s 788 files and growing each month), but at least you have a neatly organized Virtual Library At Your Mouseclick!
The EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK also covers answers to frequently asked questions such as:
*How to Live as a Secured Party Creditor and Private Citizen
*How to File Taxes for a Trust
*Traveling / Driving and How to Blend In
*Privacy Information and How to Live Off The Grid
*Careful Examination of Court Cases
*What “Sovereign” Technologies to Stay Away From
*Court Appearances and Status/Standing as Private Citizen
*1099A/Mortgage Return & OID Refunds, Why To STAY AWAY Or Else End Up in Prison
*Other Bad/False Information Out There That Sends People to Jail
*Don’t Believe Us? Here’s a Fail Compilation of Actual Indictments and Sentencing Case Compilation for OID sending Patriots to Prison
*Gain Civil Casework Experience: Complaints, Answers, Motions, and Requests for Admissions/Requests for Production and how to answer, draft, and respond, how to win
*Gain Criminal Case Preparation Experience: Know Your Rights, Brady v. Maryland; Rule 26 Discovery and Subpoeonas, Giglio v United States, Dismissal for Lack of Want of Prosecution, and much more
*Sentencing Guidelines Covered
*Transferring Titles to Cars
*Transferring Titles to Homes
*Setting up Many Trusts
*Failed IRS Cases, What They Missed
*Failure to Exhaust Remedies, Don’t Make This Very Common Mistake
*Collapsing Trusts, Don’t Make These Mistakes
*Layering Webinar
*Fails Compilation
*D&B Reports and Building Credit
*Getting Unsecured Lines of Credit
*Is the Birth Certificate Worth No Cash Value?
*Booking During Arrest
*Corporate Kits & Entity Management
*Foreclosure Cases That Failed & Why
*Other “Failed” Cases Other than SPC Showing You They Didn’t Work
*Piercing Corporate Veil
*Independent Contractor v. Employee and sample contracts
*How to Setup and Use Bitcoin
*How to Not Loose Bitcoin, and Other Bitcoin Topics
*Jurisdictional Issues, and How to Stay Out of Their Jurisdiction
*Careful Slow Study and Reading of Major Jurisdictional Case Law
*Nominees, Alter Egos, Control Groups
*Definition of “Child” vs. Offspring or Property
*Priority of Mortgage and Tax Liens
*Why Banking is Not Evil
*Ombudsman Services
*Heresay Rules and Authenticated Evidence
*Quashing and Striking via Motions
*Maxims and How to Use Them
*General Law Study, Hundreds of Files and Dictionaries
*Different Types of Deeds – Warranty, Quit Claim, etc
*Verified Revocation of Election
*Getting a World Passport
*Common Law Marriage
*How to Impeach a Witness
*”Limited Contacts” clause/threshold
*”At Arms Length”
*The Power of Transient
& 99 Years of Updates All Prepaid for… get the membership now for only $2000.
The money from EYP goes toward the expensive mission of having a full time research team investigating every guru and every process in the Sovereignty world, to see if there claims and cases are successful or failures! Your donation helps us discover the truth and report back to you on what we have already personally done with replicable success, NOT THEORY.
You deserve quality information screened to be effective, accurate, and of course the UCL Hippocratic Oath – to not get you in more trouble and not to waste your time with over exaggerated promises.
Therefore, approximately 2-3 times a year we add more lessons and tutorials that are Not listed here. How it works is once you are a paid subscriber, we will use your email to send you a “data dump” that you have a few days to download. You may also call 2-3x a year to “check in” if you did not get any data dumps in the prior 5 months.
The EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK is foremost a HUGE LIBRARY on your hard drive, of hundreds (soon to be thousands) of files including reading material, audio recorded coaching calls, and video narration training/lessons by trustee/mentor Tyler of UCL, as well as special guests.
Not Sure About Something? Then Call Us to have a conversation and help decide which items you’d like, or if we have any special bonus for buying both together, as our Sales Consultants who answer your questions and explain it more, will often include a free case evaluation or coaching call along with the items. We encourage you to call to become acquainted with a consultant before signing up, as we like to get to know our members and their intentions and goals! 🙂
Before calling however, PLEASE make sure you have reviewed the following materials, at least once, to make sure any of your presumptions about what this process is and what it can or can not do, are properly rebutted and/or accurate!
1) Download “What Is The Secured Party TRUST” audio by clicking here
2) The WEBINAR REPLY video [first video of the Status Correction Course]
3) Debt Discharge audio or text on the page
4) Accepted for Value Doesn’t Work / Guy Scratching Head “Read Why Here” link
5) Join our Free e-Newsletter, we send out Weekly Free Audio Lessons from Tyler and others! Plus a free “Video Deprogramming Series” link.