“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind”- William James
There is gold in this statement – to better understand the import of this quote and other ideas, words are broken down to their origins, definitions and synonyms throughout this article.
1660s, via French attitude (17c.), from Italian attitudine “disposition, posture,” also “aptness, promptitude,” from Late Latin aptitudinem (nom. aptitudo; see aptitude). Originally 17c. a technical term in art for the posture of a figure in a statue or painting; later generalized to “a posture of the body supposed to imply some mental state” (1725). Sense of “settled behavior reflecting feeling or opinion” is first recorded 1837. Connotations of “antagonistic and uncooperative” developed by 1962 in slang.
late 14c., “ordering, management,” also “tendency of mind,” from Old French disposicion (12c.) “arrangement, order; mood, state of mind,” from Latin dispositionem (nom. dispositio) “arrangement, management,” noun of action from pp. stem of disponere “to put in order, arrange” (see dispose). References to “temperament” (late 14c. in English) are from astrological use of the word for “position of a planet as a determining influence.”
late 14c., “to change (something),” from Old French alterer “change, alter,” from Medieval Latin alterare “to change,” from Latin alter “the other (of the two),” from PIE *al- “beyond” (see alias (adv.)) + comparative suffix -ter (cf. other). Intransitive sense “to become otherwise” first recorded 1580s. Related: Altered; altering.
late 12c., from Old English gemynd “memory, remembrance, state of being remembered; thought, purpose; conscious mind, intellect, intention,” Proto-Germanic *ga-mundiz (cf. Gothic muns “thought,” munan “to think;” Old Norse minni “mind;” German Minne (archaic) “love,” originally “memory, loving memory”), from PIE root *men- “think, remember, have one’s mind aroused,” with derivatives referring to qualities of mind or states of thought (cf. Sanskrit matih “thought,” munih “sage, seer;” Greek memona “I yearn,” mania “madness,” mantis “one who divines, prophet, seer;” Latin mens “mind, understanding, reason,” memini “I remember,” mentio “remembrance;” Lithuanian mintis “thought, idea,” Old Church Slavonic mineti “to believe, think,” Russian pamjat “memory”).
In the mystical understandings, mind is said to be the most rarified form of matter called Ether. Yet even the tangibleness of the ether is underlied by the intagibleness of energy, vibration, frequency. Underlying all matter, including mind, is energy in which no inherent meaning exists – just energy – energy potentials in a seemingly infinite sea of energy potentials
1590s, “force of expression,” from Middle French énergie (16c.), from Late Latin energia, from Greek energeia “activity, operation,” from energos “active, working,” from en “at” (see en- (2)) + ergon “work, that which is wrought; business; action” (see urge (v.)).
Used by Aristotle with a sense of “force of expression;” broader meaning of “power” is first recorded in English 1660s. Scientific use is from 1807. Energy crisis first attested 1970.
More definitions – usable power; the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity; the capacity of acting or being active.
what is active? Producing movement – directly from Latin activus, from actus is “capable of acting”
Synonyms: alive, functional, functioning, going, live, living, on, operating, operational, operative, running, working
A little reminder that you, me, we, are no-thing – the illusion is that you are an entity, that you are a being, that you are matter. A ‘thing’ is the subject of deliberation is it not? What a Federal Reserve Note is to you or to me, means nothing to a tribe in the amazon that has never seen or heard of one. If the idea is not exisiting then no meaning is existing, therefore prior to an idea about something is it no-thing – the ‘thing’ has no iherent meaning. To a farm animal you are its killer to your family you are a provider. Things in and of themselves have no inherent meaning – again, what we attribute to things are what gives things their meaning.
The physical universe is made up of useable power i.e. energy – activity, power.
Atoms are made of energy – just spinning fields of energy – all things that we sense are energy waves interacting – that’s it.
Matter i.e. physical, material substance is the illusion. Is it not our description of the matter that makes it ‘real’ for us? Does our description of the matter arise from an inherent meaning within the energy? Or is the energy merely an unbaised, meaning-less power or force that takes on the description we give it, that takes on the meaning that we attribute to it and…is not its form reflective of that meaning? The form the energy takes relates to the meaning attributed to it.
No physical thing in our life that’s been created by man existed before the man thought it. A concept arose, for example, the concept of “sit” or sitting or sit down…from sit down the idea of a chair arose, from the idea of chair came the building of something physical that would allow the concept of “sit down” to be experienced. Its not the other way around…it wasn’t physical chair exists, the idea to sit down follows, and the concept of sit down originates….the physical chair came into existence as a result of the idea of sitting. As above so below, as within so without – Keep this in mind in all of your endeavors, yes even your commercial/”sovereign”/redemption endeavors.