In order to get good at making a counteroffer we should begin building a stock of conditional acceptances. Whenever we deal with officers or public officials aka trustees of the public trust, we must know how to respond in a way that does not grant them authority over us and does not put us in dishonor. Statements or questions made by trustees of the public trust are offers. We must shift our mindset to realize and remember at all times that public officials and officers, are only making offers when speaking to us no matter how sincere, threatening or definitive their words may sound, it is only an offer. Therefore, it is imperative to understand and practice responses that keep us in our authority and keep us in honor.
We know there are four ways to respond to an offer. Two of them keep you in honor, two of them immediately place one in dishonor. The two that keep us in honor and maintain our creditor status are 1. Acceptance and 2. Conditional Acceptance aka counteroffer. It is very important to know and remember that COUNTEROFFERS HAVE THE LEGAL EFFECT OF REJECTING THE ORIGINAL OFFER, while keeping one in honor. The other two options are 3. Arguing, Justifying, Explaining, Defending and 4. Silence or no response at all. These two put one immediately into dishonor and debtor mode. So it’s pretty cut and dry…if we want to remain the creditor, remain in our authority – our sovereignty, then we’d want to accept or conditionally accept all offers presented to us and ask questions that bring resolution and get to the truth of the matter.
Making statements is also characteristic of a debtor. Debtors make statements, Creditors ask questions. If we make statements that explain, defend, justify and argue, we will lose our sovereignty in that very moment. If you happen to make a statement, be sure to follow it up with a question and you remain in control of your authority. An example might be “I’m the paramount security interest holder in all collateral registered and unregistered to JANE DOE, how is that I can help you today?” We started out with a statement but ended with a question. We are in honor and in our authority.
Know that public officials like cops, judges and attorneys lie. When do they lie? Whenever their lips are moving – take nothing they say for certain and know that sometimes they will make small talk to get you to start answering questions. This is not for us to fear, but to simply know, be aware of and remember.
Be vigilantly aware that it is crucial to stay on your subject and to not get off onto something else – The trustees of the public trust will entice you to argue or defend…this is a trick to get you to grant your authority to them and put you in dishonor/debtor mode. Stay on course with your questions and counteroffers. For example if a public official/trustee of the public trust is making verbal claim against you, you might ask them, “I’d be happy to help you resolve this matter, do you have the original charging or accusatory instrument in this matter for my inspection? Remember, they will try to get you to argue or defend or justify yourself – THIS IS A TRAP. What’s to defend, argue or justify? You’re a creditor with unlimited credit and can bring resolution to anything they present to you. Happily accept to help them but stick to your question by asking for the original charging instrument – be humbly relentless in your questioning, keep to your questions that can resolve the situation and bring truth out and into the light. What they do not say is just as important as what they do say so always STAY ON YOUR POINT.
Practice conditional acceptances, practice making counteroffers. Make your counteroffers from a heart/mindset of true inquiry and resolution. Look at matters as if it’s for the first time and you truly are that curious as to the truth of the matter and how you can help bring harmony. Being a creditor entails operating from a whole different heart/mindset from how most of us were raised and programmed. But know that you can do it, know that you can shift anything about yourself that you choose. We must prepare ourselves because we might sometimes get nervous and go blank, especially in the beginning as we are learning, so me must practice and prepare and this is simple logic. If you want to be a good tennis player you’ve got to PRACTICE, if you want to be a good pianist you’ve got to PRACTICE, if you want to be proficient in counteroffer/conditional acceptance/creditorship you’ve got to PRACTICE.