We are super excited to announce our upcoming Status Correction Class. Our intention is to facilitate solid, comprehensive discussion and detailed overview on the topic of “Political Status” – more precisely defined as Private Citizenship vs. Public Citizenship, American National vs Corporate Citizen, and NON-government-employee STATUS. HOW do you prosper and obtain not just political freedom but financial freedom – abundance and wealth and truly live and provide an amazing life for you and your family. How do you share that with your community and the world?
Can you change your STATUS? and HOW does one do this if they wished to do so…
You can register here NOW:
or visit our main site and click on “Status Correction Class” underneath our LARGE UCL BANNER/LOGO
We are extremely excited to be able to introduce this material to
the people of American and the world learning to take back their freedoms. PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE POST before deciding to JOIN as it contains important information…
We will cover all the Material which is estimated to be between 12-15 Videos, which will be either in Modules or Live Webinars.
Why are we holding this Comprehensive Series of Overview Classes?
When it comes to freedom, it’s all about Status. Are you considered a Corporate Citizen
or are you considered free under the common law and without the control of the
corporate statutes?
Do you have the freedom to provide your
children and your family your own health and religious choices, freedom of
movement, and free to live out your own private contracts?
Can you live your life free and without
harrassment as long as you do not harm other human beings?
In America right now, most people do NOT have
the right to grow organic vegetables in their garden, to barter/exchange raw
milk across “state lines”, to treat their children with the cancer
cure of their choice, to opt-out of vaccines, to keep the fruits of their
labor, to carry a firearm for protection of their family, or to discipline
their child the way they wish…without the state kidnapping them, their
children, and throwing them in jail with fines and prison sentences. What
have we come to???
We intend on facilitating a discussion so we can learn, together, the way
to break free. But you can not just claim you are a “Sovereign Citizen”
(an oxymoron term, by the way…sovereign means free and citizen means
slave)… claiming the laws don’t apply to you just doesn’t work!
You have to remove yourself from the system, expatriate, and then if you
chose to live in America, you have to set yourself up entirely to be in the
common law, and not co-mingle jurisdictions… and you need to follow the
criteria that would make you sovereign according to the “Foreign Sovereign
Immunities Act…(title 28 US Code…google it).
We all wish to find ways to operate in private and avoid contracting to
become surety for the corporate “strawman”. But you have to actually
change your status in their records, and out of a sample of those on our
e-mail list, just 94.7% of those surveyed only have an idea of just 1, 2,
or 3 of the 11 Major Steps one must conquer in order to becoming free.
Watch our “Roadmap to Sovereignty” presentation on our site here for
bullet points of the eleven steps:
We have found there is so much more to learn
and do, and for the first time, we are going to bring it all together in one
dialogue and one series of classes – for our liberty-loving community in one
all-encompassing setting, with a syllabus and study guide for those with more
time to study, and with a “nuts and bolts” overview guide.
In this class, we will have a roundtable discussion with the wealth of
knowledge and experience of many contributors, on an interactive live
weekly Webinar series.
This will be a comprehensive class, teaching
the ins and outs of the Secured Party Creditor position – as well
as several other positions that you can chose as an alternative to being a
citizen or corporate employee.
It has taken 9 months of wishing and preparing to put together this class,
and the “semester” will last for at least 3 months time. While others make
you travel around the country, pay for airplanes, hotels, etc, and still
charge you $5000…. we at UCL are wishing that EVERYONE on our list can
participate, and from the comfort of their own home, for an exchange of
just 2.5 bitcoins. (See Registration link at end of e-mail)…
In our class, you will learn:
-How to unwind the contracts that have kept
you a “government employee” as defined under the IRS tax code (or
equivilent in another country like U.K., Australia, etc)
-How and why people are failing at fighting
the banks with Credit Cards, Student Loans, Mortgages, and tax issues
-How and why people are failing at exerting
their “right to travel” and how to do it properly;
and much more…
An overview and “nuts and bolts” “How To” Guide showing:
-The easiest ways to get a 2nd Citizenship and 2nd Passport,
-How to operate in commerce through vessesl without assuming the liability
-Different tax structures to reduce or limit the amount of tax you or your
corporations owe to various government authorities
-Trust structures that are immune from taxation
-Learn how to set up a common law business without requiring a license…
and yes, set up a bank account
-How to setup a bank account without using Government-ID as a private
And if you Register with Bitcoin before September 20th
(or ask us for an extension of time), we will give you the follow-up 4 part series “ROADMAP TO SOVEREIGNTY PART 2: BUILDING INTERNATIONAL WEALTH”
a more advanced series that will sell for an additional $750…YOURS FOR FREE.
-obtaining large business lines of credit
-establishing offshore corporate accounts
-offshore international merchant accounts
-private foundations and trusts
-multiple streams of income
-online business sales funnels
-and many other tools so that you can create an empire to compete with
Rockefeller… well…one day 😉
If you are have access to wealth, you no longer need to receive any benefits
from the corporate state like unemployment, social security, medicare/medicaid,
disability payments, etc. You are only soveriegn as much as you can
fend for yourself and pay your own way. Now, you can safely remove you and
your loved ones from all government programs and not need to depend on
the corporation for your needs…
And now you’ll have the freedom, liberty, and liquid currencies (we’ll show
you how to operate in Euros with international banks), to travel the world,
start private trusts and foundations, and give back to the world, your
community, your family.
For those with limited time, we offer a “nuts and bolts” overview – you would
wish to attend the Webinars or watch the recording(s) and get the message,
outline, and materials…
And for serious students with more time on their hands and much less
experience….the option is here for those who wish to treat this like a
college semester. If that’s the case, we’ll offer to pair you up with a
study buddy or group, and you can go through the recommended study material
each week together on the phone, in your local area, or any way you chose.
Now, please read our:
not and will not give “legal advice”, but only theories about legal
procedures, definitions, and concepts. We are all learning together and the
presenter(s) for UCL will be construed as a facilitators, with many key
questions and idea to propose to the group. We intend to give our opinions as
all the attendees will have the chance to share their opinions, and each people
is responsible for doing their own due diligence and cross-checking alleged,
construed, or presumed facts about any theory for themselves! We believe this
can or will be the most valuable class revealing much info about the legal
system(s) of the world, that is not readily available or explained this
precisely, and we believe there is a way to obtain and reclaim your freedoms
back and we hope our class stimulates your thinking towards those ends.
This information is for entertainment purposes and each participant will be
waiving all liability for his/her own the ideas expressed if participating
in any discussion(s), and waiving all liability if any partipant shall chose
to ever so one day acted upon any ideas theories or procedures discussed.
Each attendee, including the facilitators, are not liable as we are
exercising our right to free speech in a private membership community setting.
It is up to each participant to seek competent legal counsel to cross-check
any idea, concept, or construed guidance to determine if each idea presented
is proper, factual, or legal in the participants own governmental-jurisdiction(s).
Wow… that was a mouthful!
This will be the ONLY time that we host such a comprehensive class, as it has taken 9 months to
prepare since the idea was just formulated, and we do not intend on re-committing another 4 months into such a heavy duty role.
So this is the perfect time for you to get on board!
Click Here to Register: https://understandcontractlawandyouwin.com/status-correction-class/
Everyone who attends the class will be able
to answer as many questions as desired to overstand each lesson/discussion.
The class/weekly videos will be at least 10 or 12 classes, and go 3-4 months,
or as long as it takes to cover the material! No questions will be left behind
and no participant will be left with any ideas unanswered…
As part of exchanging a donation of ~2.5 Bitcoin for tuition for the class, you’ll get:
-Partnered up with another UCL student in
your area to study the material in between weekly lessons;
-The ability to ask and answer other
attendee’s questions under you are satisifed;
-A recording of each webinar class, sent to
you for download;
-A syllabus “study guide” full of
definitions, US Code citations, and Court Cases;
-Several ebooks and powerpoint overviews
-All the documents available providing one to
rescind adhesion contracts, file/record notices, and change their Status to a
Secured Party Creditor and various other Status’s.
Once everyone is registered who wishes to attend, we will do a roundrobbin call to select requested
weekly meeting time(s) that everyone can attend. For anyone who can not or wishes not to attend
each discussion live, we will send them the replay, and if requested, do a second private weekly
conference call to answer all their questions as well as give them a special bonus.
Our team has been studying all the
“guru’s” in the freedom/liberty/common law ‘movement’. We’ve tracked success
rates with people who follow their methods or work with them, and we have
had the opportunity to research and dissect things over the last few years…
We believe our class discussions will be
WORLD CLASS and nothing like this has ever been offered or given – and anything
close to it required In Real Life meetings which are obviously extremely
costly, with tuitions for $5,000 and up (which I’ve gladly paid for
We would rather you get the lesson in the
comfort of your own living room through your laptop, for people who can not
necessarily travel, and for a much more reasonable exchange [$1200 of bitcoin].
Not only that – but 10% of the proceeds
collected will be sent to a trust fund we’ve established to start a charity to
grow a movement to give free chiropractic adjustments to the homeless; and to
spread the message about natural cancer treatments to the masses and informing
them of their rights to receive them and how to become free!
So make sure to Register Now. Class Registration/Information:
Class Overview of “Ten Topics To Be Covered”:
No Federal Reserve Units will be accepted for this class!
Convert your U$D into Bitcoin to send your exchange to us to officially
become part of the class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6nU7NhgAA4
Call us with any questions – 505-340-3632
Tyler with UnderstandContractLawAndYouWin.com
This message is private & confidential and intended for our private members
(on this e-mail list) ONLY…
Let’s Get FREE!!! Let’s become Wealthy & Prosperous!!!
Let’s Become Powerful.
Knowledge = Power = Love = Gratitude = Joy in Life
My goal is for you to be FREE and HAPPY… bottom line.