How Do I Become a Creditor with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation?
First, let’s recap the basic Creditor and Debtor Relationship Explained & Debunk Misinformation with over-simplistic false theories:
Question: After hearing about the U.S. being a Corporation and the rest just starting to make a little sense. I have debt but do not classify myself as a debtor and I did not like them doing it. I am a creditor to a lot more than I am a debtor to, including the Federal Government.
Answer: The terms Debtor and Creditor merely mean who owes who money; and have to do with a contract relationship and with an account number. You (well, technically we’ll say “Your ALL CAPS BIRTH NAME which you operating through”), can be a debtor to Bank of America Regarding account #34567 yet you can also way over here in another contractual relationship, also be a Creditor to someone else that owes you money. And so on and so forth.
So, there is no “status” as a “Creditor” to all 7 Billion people and 30 million companies/trusts/other entities, on the entire earth. You don’t just get a “status” as a blanket “Creditor” to everyone in the world. You can however, become “debt free” meaning that you (or the entities you control) owe no one or no entity or government any money, which is a pretty cool feeling. [Let’s help get you there here at UCL… if this is your first time visiting our website, get and stay in touch, we can help!!]
Back to Creditor vs. Debtor. You can even owe money and then be owed money to the same entity also, making you simultaneously a Creditor (loaning them money) and a Debtor (being owed money). So for example, let’s just say you loaned a local Credit Union some of YOUR money (like in a C.D. account), and yet you also owed them money on a loan… then you might simultaneously be a Debtor AND a Creditor with relationship to that company. You would be the Creditor regarding Account No. 12345; yet you are the Debtor regarding Account No. 45678.
One quick sidenote – there is a whole array of “Setoff Law” in which determines if a Debtor defaults when they are also a Creditor with the same company. In some instances, the Creditor can get nonjudicial remedy through a levy of funds, called a “Setoff”, from the money on account that it owes you, that it is in good standing on.
Let’s give another example: if you lend money to a private person’s all caps name, JOHN SMITH, let’s say they areyour neighbor, relative, or client. If they don’t pay you back, you’ll want to use the same laws to sue and recover monetary compensation for your loss.
The terms “Creditor” and “Debtor” are not something you walk around with a T-shirt or that have relation to other things you do over the course of your regular day. Only when you get a piece of mail, answer a phone call from someone you owe money to, and/or go to court over lawsuit over them, or look at your credit report – does the question are you the Debtor or Creditor in the relationship even come into existence.
In summary, there is only the Debtor/Creditor general relationship when the two parties are communicating related to a precise account number.
If you owe money to Bank of America for account #12345, yet you are talking to talking to your family members, another business owner, your boss, or another bank –- there is no classification to call yourself the debtor or creditor in the relationship way over there with Bank of America. Only if you are dealing with them in that communication and you are on the topic of account #12345.
So, I do not agree with this nonsense floating around in which people feel the need to get there status changed with the government and/or in society overall to that from a “Debtor” to a “Creditor”. There is a lot of spiritual mumbo jumbo floating around, being mixed with actual legal terminology, and it’s confusing the heck out of people.
My recommendation is to not listen to guru’s theories or explanations, and to instead look up in the law dictionaries, statutes and codes themselves, and also what the court’s determine happens in different scenarios. To add to that, yes there are also a lot of cases that disappear and do not show up on the public records, so if you know something works from watching a case and knowing the party to the case, that is good too. However, a lot of guru Patriots teaching law, are not going off of experience witnessing court cases of people they’ve helped – and some mix their own spiritual new age ideas into the mix and then try to change legal definitions into pseudo-spiritual definitions that they define (rather than referring the student to a law dictionary for it’s proper definition).
Can I Become a Creditor Against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation?
If you are talking about your relationship to the “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” entity, then it gets a little complicated. There are many relationships going on at the same time. So, which “your” relationship are we discussing?
[Scenario 1:]
Your “JOHN H. DOE” aka JOHN HENRY DOE aka JOHN DOE, All Capital Letters Birth Certificate Legal Name and/or variations with or without middle letters, ?
[Scenario 2:]
Your Christian-spelling living-man before the Birth was even registered and is also simultaneously existing, you are alive even if the birth registration records burn in a big fire, or the U.S. government gets abolished, taken over, or replaced with another government…. We will call this living man “John Henry Doe” aka “John Henry of the Doe family” aka “John Henry of the family Doe” aka “John Henry of the clan Doe” aka “John-Henry of the family of Doe” aka, many different variations but none of which have the name in all caps and none of which have a social security card or any government ID, benefits, etc.
So, here are two categories of scenarios before even asking the question of who is the debtor vs. who is the creditor:
[Scenario 1:]
in relation to Account No. __________________;
determines one party being a Debtor
the other party being a Creditor
[Scenario 2:]
John Henry Doe aka: John-Henry of the Doe family; and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
in relation to Account No. __________________;
determines one party being a Debtor
the other party being a Creditor
[Scenario 3:]
John Henry Doe aka: John-Henry of the Doe family; and JOHN H DOE
in relation to Account No./Security Agreement Number: JHD-02151992 [whatever alpha# you invented for the security agreement account];
determines one party being a Debtor
the other party being a Creditor
SO THERE ARE THREE MAJOR TYPES OF SCENARIOS – Which One Are You Referring To When You Ask Me If You are a Creditor or a Debtor !!!
And Now… the good stuff…
How To Change Your Relationship with the U.S.A. from Debtor to Creditor:
You can invoke Creditor’s rights in any relationship so long as you identify the Account Number in the relationship, and the other party has defaulted upon your request for remedy (to be paid, have credits/favors/obligations issued, etc).
So, as you can see, are you a Creditor or a Debtor with relation to the U.S.A. is a little more complicated then a “one word answer”. I would suggest you read law books about “Creditor/Debtor law”. Like, books that attorney’s actually read in law school. Not guru or Patriot website filtered content.
Question: How does being what you call for short, a “Secured Party Creditor” affect any of this and your status as a Debtor or Creditor?
Answer: Well, we use that term for short-hand just so we have a name to call the Status Correction Process of taking over your strawman all capital letters legal fiction ens legis name. Instead of saying the past 17 words every single time we try to refer to the process, we just say “Secured Party Creditor”. But the term is misleading if you don’t know what you are talking about. Basically, if you don’t know enough about what you did or are doing, then it’s meaningless and you’ll probably make a fool of yourself as well.
In the Secured Party Creditor process, you do a number of things and change a number of dynamics and status’s. But in this discussion we are only going to talk about two of them, just to explain why we call it Secured Party Creditor. One – being that you (The Living Man Christian spelling sovereign) become a “Secured-Party” over your ALL CAPITALS BIRTH LEGAL NAME.
The ALL CAPS NAME is a partnership trust being controlled/owned/administered by the U.S. corporation; for the benefit of many parties, one of them being you. You have a name to use and are allowed to open up accounts at banks, get jobs, and apply for benefits or join the military, get federal loans, etc… with a U.S. ID # (the social security number). You have the right to use this number, so long as you pay the trustee’s fees (taxes). You pay your duties to the trustee for the right to use the “Membership Number” which gives you certain benefits and privileges.
What we do in the SPC Process, discussed at length in the SPC TRUST AUDIO, takes control over the name, gives the U.S. an opportunity to say something objecting to you taking the trustee position (which they do not), and removes yourself as a beneficiary; and sets it up as a property irrevocable common law trust, which you control and administer.
After that is done, you the living man signs a contract with the ALL CAPS ENTITY NAME, called a “Security Agreement”. The purpose of this, many fold, but the priority, is to from Day 1 of operating, set up a lien for a super huge amount ($100 Million Dollars), from the inception of the trust. Therefore, any other debts that the ALL CAPS NAME incurs, after that date – are second in line and not priority liens. Therefore, if anyone wants to foreclose or seize YOUR TRUST/LEGAL NAME’S assets – it must first pay the living man (the “Secured Party”) $100 Million. They can then pay themselves the One-Hundred Million and first dollar, and every dollar above the $100 Million.
Next, you the man are a CREDITOR over the ALL CAPS TRUST NAME, which is the DEBTOR in relation to Security Agreement #(whatever series of numbers or alphanumeric numbers you decide to place on the agreement); and the subsequent public notice of said relationship/security agreement – that being the UCC-1 financing statement.
On TOP of all that, once you have separated the two names, canceled all surety-ship or beneficiary positions thereto – – – now you have certain rights to fall back on. Your “benefit and privilege” of being a U.S. citizen being no more… you can now access your right as a Creditor over the U.S., in relation to Account No. HJR 192, 1933. [an Account is or can be a time/date/event that has occurred clearly described], in which it seized all the real money (gold) from the living people.
Now that you have taken away the layer of the onion being a surety and property of the U.S. where they refuse to see the living man – now you can make an appearance as a living man, under rule 8E [not giving jurisdiction]. This appearance is only done through a notice in a non-judicial proceeding. This is how you access your remedy to discharge a precise “public debt” that you have clearly identified and Accepted for Value, and enclosed to the Treasury.
All this must be done, of course, after you opened your Treasury Direct Account – which is part of the full Secured Party Creditor process. This step is done immediately after the confirmed filing of the UCC-1 Financing Statement.
I want to stress that I usually correct people by saying there is no “Account”. Just to make it clear to people that there is no “money” or “units” or “currency” that is spendable. But remember, two paragraphs above, I stated that an Account is or can be just a time/date/event that occurred clearly described. Or any notation about a balance, credit owed, favors owed, or obligations owed, on one party, held by another party.
For example, if I was totally a stingy man, every time I buy lunch for my friends I would mark down in a little notebook that I carry in my back pocket, the amount, and how much my friends owe me in return for the next lunch. Of course, pretty much nobody really treats there friends in such a stingy transactional relationship. However, let’s just say you did this. You would have “Accounts” that were “Opened” with every one of your friends that you bought lunch for. Or at least from the time you started to act like a stingy weirdo.
But, this shows exactly what the “Treasury Direct Account” does. It merely has a notation of obligations for you to discharge public debts up to a certain amount. The accounts you want to discharge, must be public debts – nothing between you and your neighbor or you and your best friend. IRS, Court Case Restitution, State Taxes, anything issued out of a Court Order – divorce, alimony, child or spousal support. Discharge of Federal (or private) student loans, hospital bills, and credit cards are accessible too.
This is it in a nutshell. There are other details, criss-crossing of different things going on. I can go on for hours and hours – of which I do in the Status Correction Course (just in case you’d like to pick that up to learn or study more). But for the majority of people, this is basically my attempt at explaining this in as simple a way possible.
I think the point that made me write this article, is that I see a lot of people try to explain to the judge in a court case that “well…your honor, I’m actually the Creditor here...” and the Judge asks you what you are talking about, and you can’t even explain it. If you are a Creditor then you are the one bringing a proceeding against another, judicial or nonjudicial so be it. If you are a Creditor and can get the “obligatory remedy of a discharge” [see how I’m avoiding saying payment or even credit here because there is no money in an account]. So if you are trying to discharge something from Party A [Bank of America or Wells Fargo or something], you do not argue with them in open court or even say to them that you are a Creditor. You are a Debtor in relationship to them and that Account number.
However, if you are have finished your SPC/UCC/TDA Account Process, and now wish to call in the obligation of the UNITED STATES Corp to discharge your debt with this B of A (or whatever public debt in front of you you like), then that is for you to write to the Treasury through the appropriate channel. It makes you look like you don’t know what your talking about to just blurp out in open court “I’m the Creditor” and then not able to explain yourself. It’s sad that people put out much limited and/or misinformation and theories without providing the proper material for those wanting to learn to master the information. If you want to win, you have to master the information. And if you aren’t prepared to win, then don’t try it at all because you’ll make yourself look a little silly. I cringe every time somebody tells kind of a silly story because it makes everybody else look bad. Now the Judge’s just say they aren’t going to look at the evidence and lump what people are trying to do into the “none of that sovereignty stuff has ever worked” category, forcing our members to have a harder time if the Judge has seen it fail 20 times in a row. Sad, and bad for everybody. Let’s learn the material directly from the law books and listen to the right people that allow us to learn correctly.
Tyler and the team at UCL
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